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Sarah joined our group as an undergraduate researcher!

10/2023: Sarah joined our group to work on methane activation. Welcome Sarah!

Manish joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher!

09/2023: Manish joined our group to work on high-throughput catalyst design for methane activation. Welcome Manish!

Chengyu joined our group as a PhD student!

09/2023: Chengyu joined our group to work on lithium-mediated nitrogen reduction reaction. Welcome Chengyu!

We received a grant from ARPA-E!

08/2023: We received a grant "Accelerating electrocatalyst innovation: high-throughput automated microkinetic, multiscale, and techno-economic modeling" from ARPA-E! We are excited to start the work!

Pax passed his MS thesis defense!

04/2023: Pax passed his MS thesis defense. Congratulations Pax!

Paper published in JACS!

04/2023: Our collaboration work on CO2RR on twin boundary Cu is published in JACS. Check it out here!

Qing attends ACS Spring Meeting!

03/2023: Qing attends ACS Spring Meeting and presents here work on heterogeneous catalysis!


Qing visits UMass Lowell!

03/2023: Qing visits University of Massachusetts Lowell and gives an invited talk at ChemE seminar!


Welcome to new member!

01/2023: Welcome to our first Ph.D. student, Colin Gallagher!


Department of Chemical Engineering, 

360 Huntington Ave

Boston, MA. 02115.

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